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Building firmware

To build firmware for a NeedForHeat measurement device, first open the root folder of the firmware directory in Visual Studio Code.

Building firmware

  1. Click the PlatformIO Icon (the little alien in the left of the screen).
  2. Unfold M5STACK_COREINK when building for M5Stack CoreInk, for other platforms unfold ESP32DEV.

    Do not use the 'ESP32DEV' environment for M5Stack CoreInk board! It does work, but some features specific to the M5Stack CoreInk will not be included in the firmware, which cause problems during run-time.

  3. Click Upload and Monitor.

    The first time might take a while because PlatformIO needs to install and build the ESP-IDF before it can upload the firmwware.

  4. When it is done uploading, press CTRL+T and then B, then type 115200 so that it sets the right baud rate and you see text not gibberish.
  5. To provision the device, use the NeedForHeat app or another app that supports Espressif Unified Provisioning.